Why Does AV Vegas always get the weird events? AMD Burn 2009

   In January of 2009, while most of the country was wondering if they would survive till till April, AMD, the computer chip manufacturer’s only thought was bragging about their new processor.  It seems that no one told their execs that the world was coming to an end and they decided to do what they have always done, which is to focus on their strengths and look to the future for their success.  That is when we at AV Vegas got the call.  WE NEED YOU GUYS TO COME DOWN AND INSTALL A COUPLE OF PROJECTORS AND A TON OF LIGHTS IN A HUGE DOME FOR A COMPUTER CHIP BURN IN COMPETITION.  Well, OK, we’ll be there. 

  When we got to the dome, it wasn’t huge, it was actually tiny. Tiny for rear projecting multiple screens.  But, the one thing you can count  on  is General Manager, Chris Holloway, finding a way to make it all work.  Everyone knows that you need a few feet between the projector and the screen to develope a large screen image. Even with short throw lenses, you need a bit of distance. The thing is that no one counted on the fact that a dome gets shorter as you go higher and they wanted to fly the screens and projectors. Well, there goes our throw distance.  With a little bit of adjustment, the AV Vegas AV crew hung the screens from the sky and brought in truss to mount the projectors in the air, without flying the projectors. The method worked and the next night, a dozen or more computer geeks arrived with the press in tow to see if they could clock the highest processor speed on the new AMD chip without blowing the darn thing up. 

  As for us, we were thrilled at the way everything looked and especially at the pretty colors that we programmed for the geeks and press to see as they arrived at the dredded dome of death for computer processor chips.  AV Vegas’ lighting tech Eric Chu, used LED lights to reflect off of the white dome canvas. It made a great look for a great event. Please enjoy the photos.

Hanging Square Screens off of a round roof.

Hanging Square Screens off of a round roof.

The Green Dome of Death!  Death to AMD chips, anyway

The Green Dome of Death! Death to AMD chips, anyway

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